Best of Hardware, Wireless & Game Console Hacking

This book and DVD set contain a selection of our favorite hacks from Hardware Hacking: Have Fun While Voiding Your Warranty and Game Console Hacking.

The book contains chapters on the basics of electrical engineering, the tools of the warranty-voiding trade, and the essential concepts of programming and operating systems. The DVD contains 16 chapters of many step-by-step projects each shown in HTML and PDF format with high-resolution images.

Joe Grand was the primary author. His chapters include:

  • Introduction 2.0
  • Introduction 1.0
  • Tools of the Warranty-Voiding Trade
  • Electrical Engineering Basics
  • Declawing Your CueCat
  • Upgrading Memory on Palm Devices
  • Nintendo Game Boy Advance
  • Gamepark 32 (GP32)
  • Nintendo NES

Paperback: 128 pages
Dimensions (in inches): 0.38 x 9.20 x 8.00
Publisher: Syngress (June 2006)
ISBN: 1-59749-113-6

Available at